Sithman's Star Wars Collection

This is, without a doubt, my favorite part of my collection: My Clone War diorama. Finally, it's finished. I am adding no more figures or vehicles to either side of the battle, nor anything else. I love it to death, and it's completed. :)

I just recently added the textured stone-sand floor to this diorama. I love it! These pictures simply don't do it justice because you can't see the awesome texture of it (it just looks like a orange blob). Come over sometime to see it! ;) Many thanks to Burton from my lovely ChiForce (Ortugg3), jango_joe, Guff and Neck for suggestions and help on it! :) Anyways, it's made out of a sandy material that is used for model train sets and is sold at hobby stores (I got mine at Hobby Lobby). Also, the same company that makes the sandy material makes all different ones, so I got a green one for my endor diorama which I'll probably work on over this Christmas break to give it my Endor diorama a floor as well! Oh, and I affixed the sandy material to posterboard with a liquid cement that you can buy at hobby stores as well (the same company that makes the sandy material makes the cement).

Enough about the diorama floor (even though it's so cool ;) ), here's where I get to brag about my figures! :-D For this diorama, I have 21 white clonetroopers, 2 ARC Troopers, and 2 clonetrooper pilots! :-D Of course, I also have TEH REPUBLIC GUNSHIP!!! As for the separatists, I have 9 different battle droids, 5 droidekas, 2 super battle droids, a spider droid (I'm so proud of that little spider droid... Hardly anyone else has one! :-D ), and a Clone Wars AAT!

Mmmmmm... A high angle shot of the clonetroopers out on the sandy Geonosian floor. Man, I'm really obsessed with these little guys, and I'm almost kind of glad that this diorama is done so that I can't spend any more money on these clones! :-P ...At least until Episode III figures come out (well, unless they're stormtroopers in EpIII)! :-D

Yeah, yeah, my Separatist forces. They're cool, but not as cool as clonies! :-D Oh! But do notice the battle droid that's been shot and is laying on the ground with blue electricity all over him! I like that detail. :-D

I like this view. :-D Gotta love how the ARC's are waving their arms directing the other white clones around.

See? I simply love to have my dioramas movie-accurate! Even though outside of the gunship, the ARCs and AATs aren't movie-accurate, my beloved gunship certainly is! I see people having like all red clonetroopers on teh gunship, or having Jedi in the pilot cockpits, or not having the side gun turrets attached (or if they do, they have a clone "gunning" them as the action figure says to do, but remember- that's not how it was in the movie!), or simply having the entirely wrong Jedi inside the deck of the gunship, but not so for me! It needs to be movie-accurate, as the AOTC movie still I added into this picture shows! I have a total of 6 white clonetroopers in teh gunship along with the 2 clonetrooper pilots. :)

A "back" view of my Republic forces! :) Now you can see into the gunship and the clones inside of there. You can see on the bottom right, I had to pull out my dresser from the wall and get behind it to take the picture... That's why the back side of the dresser isn't painted. :-P

I titled this picture "Desert Sands" because I tried to doctor it so that it had that distinctive Geonosis (even though this diorama isn't neccessarily Geonosis) "tint" to it with the dust and all. Ah well, it didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but you can see it anyways. :-P

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that look at a brief part of my collection! I have a much larger collection, but I'm just spotlighting the Clone Wars diorama I just fininshed! :) I should update it around Christmas time when I finish my Endor diorama! :)